Animal Shelters Longview, TX 


Perfect for Dogs, Chickens, Rabbits, or any small animal that needs a safe place

40 year max rib siding - welded 1x1 steel tube frame - welded horse grade ag panel - treated 2x4 base
roof - solid back wall - ag panel on sides and front - ag panel door

Delivery included within 75 miles of Longview, TX-fees apply beyond that-

Sizes and Pricing:
6x10(5'7"tall) $1195
8x10(7'tall) $1495
10x12(8'tall) $2195
10x16(8'tall) $2495


Perfect option for all your farm animal needs. Goats, Sheep, Donkeys, Pigs, smaller cows, smaller horses, etc..
Give your animals a covered area to go when its sunny, raining, windy, or just when they want to relax in their "safe place".

40 year max rib siding - welded 1x1 steel tube frame - treated 1x1 base
roof - solid back wall and sides - open front - no floor

Delivery included within 75 miles of Longview, TX(fees apply beyond that)

Sizes and Pricing:
6x10(5'7"tall) $995
8x10(7'tall) $1195
8x12(7'tall) $1395


 A Chicken Coop is more than a simple structure for shelter. The right coop will help your flock feel safe, comfortable, and happy in your backyard. 

40 year max rib siding - welded 1x1 steel tube frame - welded horse grade ag panel - treated 2x4 base
Roll away nesting box  - Loft with floor and vents - Roosting Bars - Large half door in back wall - Ramp into loft area - Large walk through door in front - Two rubber wheels

Delivery included within 75 miles of Longview, TX(fees apply beyond that)

Sizes and Pricing: 
6x10(5'7"tall) $2245
8x10(6'7"tall) $2545
10x12(7'7"tall) $3195


Great option for dogs that need an area that they cant dig out of, perfect when you have family over or just need the backyard area.

40 year max rib siding - welded 1x1 steel tube frame - welded horse grade ag panel - treated 2x4 base
Enclosed back room - Enclosed porch - 8' and 10' wide kennels include welded kennel in back room - doggy hole in divider wall - solid walk through door on back wall - ag panel walk through door on porch area

Delivery included within 75 miles of Longview, TX(fees apply beyond that)

Sizes and Pricing:
*Single Bay*
6x10 $1995
8x10 $2995

*Two Bay*
8x12 $3750
10x12 $4750


Let your dog have the dog house of their dreams. With free access to the porch and backroom they will spend hours in their new home.
Built to last a lifetime so you will have nothing to worry about

-40 year max rib siding - welded 1x1 steel tube framing - 2 treated 4x4 skids
 solid flooring through out - solid back door for access to the back room - doggy door with flap

Delivery included within 75 miles of Longview, TX(fees apply beyond that)

Sizing and Pricing:
6x8(5'7"tall) $1595

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